Grande successo per il concerto di Sting e Shaggy ad Ascoli Piceno

di Elena Bartolucci

15 Ago 2018 - Commenti live!, Musica live

ASCOLI PICENO – Venerdì 3 agosto, nella magnifica cornice di una gremitissima Piazza del Popolo, ha preso il via uno degli eventi più attesi dell’anno: il concerto di Sting e Shaggy.
Può sembrare strano ma il duetto dell’artista britannico insieme al cantante giamaicano funziona davvero bene: l’energia dei nuovi brani dal gusto più ritmico si fondono alla perfezione con i pezzi storici di Sting.
Il numeroso pubblico presente e quello abbarbicato alle finestre e ai terrazzi dei palazzi storici affacciati sulla piazza hanno gradito l’esibizione di questi due artisti musicali, appartenenti a due generi tanto diversi ma che nel nome della musica sono stati in grado di dare vita non solo a un ottimo album dal sapore reggae “44/876” (definito un album di “gioia musicale in puro stile giamaicano”) ma anche a un concerto sensazionale dal ritmo incontenibile e dall’energia contagiosa.
Durante lo show sono stati riproposti anche alcuni fra i loro più grandi successi, riarrangiati per l’occasione ed eseguiti alla perfezione grazie alla presenza sul palco di Dominic Miller (chitarra), Josh Freese (batteria), Rufus Miller (chitarra), Kevon Webster (tastiera) e dei due eccezionali coristi, Monique Musique e Gene Noble.
Non sono certo mancate le polemiche sia per il costo eccessivo dei biglietti che per i problemi con la security che non è riuscita a tenere a freno i numerosi fan che si sono accalcati subito sotto il palcoscenico coprendo di conseguenza la visuale di molti astanti convinti di essere andati a sentire un concerto di musica classica e volendo quindi a tutti i costi restare seduti. Un concerto del genere va vissuto ogni secondo e proprio grazie all’animo pop-reggae di Shaggy anche i più recalcitranti alla fine si sono convinti ad alzarsi e vivere gli ultimi brani del concerto battendo continuamente le mani e seguendo il ritmo incalzante di ogni canzone.
Shaggy è stato il vero mattatore della serata in grado di animare il concerto in modo encomiabile a differenza di Sting che, quasi restio a farsi coinvolgere troppo, ha comunque regalato delle performance che per un’artista del suo calibro e della sua età lasciano davvero senza parole, dimostrando che la sua voce è ancora limpida e chiara come ai tempi del suo debutto come membro dei Police.
Citando la rivista Rolling Stone: “La fusione tra due tonalità così riconoscibili e contrastanti, il flusso morbido di Sting che scivola sui ritornelli e le sferzate dancehall di Shaggy che tengono in piedi il ritmo, è un esperimento che funziona”.

(Si ringrazia per la gentile concessione delle fotografie l’Agenzia Fotospot (AFS):

Di seguito la scaletta dei vari brani proposti durante il concerto:
Englishman in New York (Sting cover)
Morning Is Coming
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (The Police cover)
Oh Carolina / We’ll Be Together
If You Can’t Find Love
Love Is the Seventh Wave (Sting cover)
Message in a Bottle (The Police cover)
Fields of Gold (Sting cover)
Waiting for the Break of Day
Gotta Get Back My Baby
If You Love Somebody Set Them Free (Sting cover)
Don’t Make Me Wait
Angel (Shaggy cover)
Dreaming in the U.S.A.
Crooked Tree
Shape of My Heart (Sting cover)
Walking on the Moon (The Police cover)
So Lonely (The Police cover)
Strength of a Woman (Shaggy cover)
Hey Sexy Lady (Shaggy cover)
Roxanne / Boombastic
Desert Rose (Sting cover)
It Wasn’t Me (Shaggy cover)
Every Breath You Take (The Police cover)
Fragile (Sting cover)

Alcune quotes sul tour di Sting e Shaggy: 

“Sun, reggae, good mood and lots of dancing – that’s how the Ancient Theater in Plovdiv appeared on June 19th and 20th. The reason – Sting and Shaggy, who brought two memorable concerts with a breath of summer.” –Nova (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)

“The unique performances of the two artists contributed to the unforgettable atmosphere.” –Vesti (Ploviv, Bulgaria)

“One of the magical moments of the concerts was during Sting’s “Fields of gold,” when Shaggy lighting his cellular lens asked the audience to do the same, resulting in flooding the Irodus by dozens of lights. Still, in the song “Dreaming in the USA” from their new album, Shaggy and Sting’s social commentary on the equality of all peoples, regardless of nationality and religion, was expressed, while at the same time expressing America as a dream. The merry note of the evening came with their separate sketch in the song “Crooked tree” with Shaggy as a judge – with the proper masquerade – and Sting as a defendant-imprisoned with the characteristic white blouse with the black stripes.” – (Athens, Greece)

“Sting makes music for everyone.” –Lifo (Athens, Greece)

“One of the most anticipated concerts of this year…” – (Athens, Greece)

“International rock singer Sting has brought the house down during a two-night performance at Athens’ Odeon of Herodes Atticus.” –Greek Reporter (Athens, Greece)

“Bathed in a feast of colors and sounds, Sting, Shaggy and their music companions began to unfold for the magical, energy-packed and sensual scenario of the evening.” – (Athens, Greece)

“Sting’s love for reggae was obvious from the first steps of the Police and gave his trademark signal to their sound, helping them to stand out from all the new wave shapes of the season. So cooperation with Shaggy came to seal this love; and, perhaps, to give a more relaxed, more carefree tone to his profile.” –Avopolis (Athens, Greece)

“Two world stars in the musical sky, Sting and Shaggy, showed on Tuesday in Bratislava that rock and reggae can harmonize.” –Aktuality (Bratislava, Slovakia)

“While Sting manages to wonderfully equip his well-known song arrangements with new facets, Shaggy drills most of the numbers with his buzzing bass voice, which surprisingly has lost none of its uniqueness and strength.” – Kronen Zeitung (St. Margarethen, Austria)

“The two created around 20 songs in the six-week studio time, and it is exactly this spontaneity and joy that they bring to St. Margarethen” – Kronen Zeitung (St. Margarethen, Austria)

“From the beginning the audience was on their feet and dancing between the rows of seats. In addition to strong songs from their album “44/876”, the world hits were not long in coming – from Sting’s “Englishman in New York” (opening number), “Fields of Gold” and “Desert Rose” on Shaggy’s ” Oh Carolina “and” Angel “to the Police crackers” Roxanne “,” Message in a Bottle “and” Every Breath You Take “. Several thousand visitors celebrated with the legendary duo at a big concert party.” –NÖ (St. Margarethen, Austria)

“Two radically different styles – rock and reggae – finely mixed and complementary on this Luxembourg scene.” –Luxemburger Wort (Esche-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg)

“It’s an evening that will be remembered by the fans. A real experience, complemented by a punchy and outstanding sound, which is not so often achieved in this quality in the open air.”– Volksfreund (Esche-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg)

“With good sound quality “An Englishman in New York” sounds in the real reggae dress. Shaggy sings “A Jamaican in New York” and quickly receives applause. In fact, the musical tastes of the two complement each other perfectly and the voices harmonize in fact.” – Tageblatt (Esche-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg)

“Sometimes a pinch of Calypso sounds, sometimes the sound is rockier, sometimes more pop. With enormous joy of playing and intense energy, the musicians conquer the hearts of the audience.” – Tageblatt (Esche-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg)

“The energy released by the show is definitely contagious. The music keeps pouring out like beneficial lava under the blast furnace.” – Tageblatt (Esche-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg)

“A two-hour musical melting pot.” – Tageblatt (Esche-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg)

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